These Are a Few of My Favorite Things: Style My Way
/Denitra Gregory, owner of Unforgettable YOU!
Photo by Rob Will at Sudden Utopia
Style is an outward expression of one’s personality. It can be ever-evolving or remain the same, but it is something that cannot be given or taken away. Style just is…
People always ask me where I get my style and my answer is two-fold: Everywhere and nowhere. I get inspiration from people, travel, nature, architecture, design, etc. One thing is for sure, my observant eye is always studying. Yet, the counselor in me can’t negate that we all have very distinct, innate characteristics and abilities, beyond explanation. Style is one of them. Everyone has style. How you make it your own is strictly up to you!
I’d like to share parts of mine. Style My Way. Perhaps you can incorporate a few for your “Year of Style!”
A few of my favorite things:
Minimalist Style: Over the years, I’ve come to love the look of simplicity. There is something just so chic about simple shapes and a focused color palette. It allows creativity (doing more with less) and is definitely a money and space saver. I can’t say that my primary style is minimalism, but I’ve adopted many “rules” from this lifestyle that I’d like to enhance in the days to come.
Let It Flow: I love fluidity! It’s just beautiful to me. For me this sometimes means buying varying shapes and sizes of clothing and creating desired shapes on my own. For instance, those One Size Fits Most pieces. They generally are too large, but it gives me the extra material I need to customize waist or hemlines. Tying knots on my clothes = My Jam!
Seasonless: Please don’t kill my vibe! I don’t organize my clothes according to season. Most of my wardrobe can be worn all year. Why? Layering!
Speaking of Layering: You’ve probably heard this 1,000 x’s from me by now. Layering can create an awesome texture-mix or an entirely different look each time.
Play on Color: I love nudes (tan, blush, mauve, etc), but sometimes, especially in the Winter, I use jewel tones to add vibrancy (I get pale in the Winter lol!).
Eyeglasses: I’m not in the prescription eyeglass club, but I do love a funky frame! On my “fresh-face” days, I wear frames to add a little spunk to my look.
Accessories: Big, unique earrings are my “thing!” I love handcrafted, unique pieces that start conversations. I think they compliment my pixie well. I also love a good infinity scarf!
Makeup: I’m a natural makeup lover for an everyday look. Occasionally, though, I pop on a deep or bright lipstick that adds just the right amount of sophistication. Listen, don’t let people convince you that makeup isn’t just as much part of your look as your clothes, ok?
Fabric Scissors: When I’m bored with an item or want to change its look, I get my scissors out! I’ve been known to create new necklines or cut off a sleeve or two.
Wardrobe Boxes: These have saved so many of my pieces! Sometimes depending on material and shape, hanging clothes can do more harm than good. It can permanently change the shape of delicate pieces.
Online Exclusives: I love shopping on my favorites sites in the exclusive section. This ensures a variety of brands that are only available online. They only offer a select few, so quantity can be limited. Chances are, you won’t see anyone else with your exclusive!
Rewards Programs: Yes, I’m a rewards member with most of my favorite retailers. I get notified of sample and private sales and I also build loyalty points for huge discounts. Further, if you aren’t a member of DOSH, you’re missing out on life! To date, I’ve earned hundreds of dollars (cash-back) just for shopping at my favorite stores! Click here to join to start earning your bucks!
Bonus! My Hair: My hair is a major part of my style. I’ve been in the #shorthairdontcare gang for almost 19 years! I’m forever a pixie girl!
What are a few of your favorite style things?